Dogs require daily exercise and outdoor time for overall well-being. Mary's Buddies offers dog walks when you're unavailable during the day. Depending on your dog's age and energy level, we tailor visits with a mix of backyard playtime with an engaged dog-walker, or it can be leash-walks in your neighborhood or in nearby parks. This ensures your dog receives the attention needed and you will come home
to a relaxed, happy dog. This is our most popular service.
20 minute walk ................. $16
Mary's Buddies will take care of your pets while you're gone, allowing them to stay in their familiar sur-roundings and comfort of home. This may include up to four visits per day to your home. We are there for both dogs and cats, making sure their routine is uninterrupted while you're away. This is especially desirable if you have senior pets or pets with medical issues that create problems for boarding. Keeping your fur-baby happy and secure is
a top priority.
20 minute visit ................. $16
Maybe your dog would be happier in a home-away-from-home setting. Mary's Buddies provides a cozy,
fun-filled alternative for care while you're gone. The policy is to never over-crowd and cause a stressful environment for your dog. A very small number of visiting guests means your dog will be a part of
our family until you return. They
will enjoy a quiet, semi-rural setting with plenty of human interaction all day and night with all the comforts of home.
Overnight stay ................. $38
Our Growing Family